Creating a Goal Board
The idea behind creating a goal board is that when you surround yourself with images of what you value, who you want to become, what you want to have, and how you want to live, you plant the a powerful seed of change in your mind.
Supplies Required:
- Poster board or large piece of paper
- A handful of different magazines (Oprah, Sunset, Mindful, Fortune, Forbes, Travel + Leisure, Real Simple, Yoga Journal, Time, etc)
- Glue stick or double sided tape
- Markers or pens
- A few photos of yourself
- Get in the zone and listen to this 10 minute "Future Self" guided visualization here.
- Have fun pulling out whatever images, words or quotes that you like from the magazines
- Cut out anything that resonates with you and makes you feel good---pictures that represent or symbolize the experiences, feelings, and objects you want to attract into your life
- When you feel ready, go through the images and begin to lay out your favorites on the board in any way you’d like
- Discard any images or words that don’t feel right anymore, remembering that there is beauty in simplicity and clarity
- Paste or glue your images onto your board
- If you feel inclined to do so, add handwritten words on your board and personalize your board even further by adding some photos of yourself
- Snap a pic of your board so you’ll have it readily accessible on your phone
- Place your board somewhere in your home or office where you’ll see it often