Day 4 - Mindset Reset

stop and savor what’s good, you deserve to celebrate what’s going well.

I loved the pace, the content, and Lisa’s voice. It was just the right amount of time for me and gave me the perspective I needed and was seeking. Thank you!
— Latrina

This meditation has been enjoyed over 150,000 times around the globe

Incredible feelings of gratitude. Thank you x
— Julia
Just what I needed to pull myself back to the present and remind myself of my goals and what truly matters.
— Jenny
This meditation really made me feel grateful and happy.
— Leslie
I ABSOLUTELY loved it! 😍😍
The 🎶, your voice and the messages! It made me cry! ( good tears though ☺)
— P.
Fantastic way to start the day!
— Ben
Thank you soooooo much for this meditation Lisa. I cried as I recited those statements of gratitude and I now can go out into the world with a heart and mind feeling blessed beyond comprehension...
— T.
Beautiful and Peaceful 💕
— Laura
This was exactly what I needed this morning and will go into my rotation of favorite meditations. Thank you.
— Kathy
I loved this!!!! I will definitely use it again....
— Leslie